Entry: Adventure Inscriptions
Official= Official Comment

From AJ
Website: http://www.ajgentile.com
I just requested that the inscription be with PURPLE INK.

Heaven help you if it's not in PURPLE INK.
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From John Doom
Website: http://www.GetThisGuyAKilt.com
Can't wait till I get mine. I'm so going to read it on my flight to the frozen tundra.

This'll be my first ever author signed book. I am quite excited!
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From StoFriend
Website: http://www.IhaveNoSite.com
Sweet, then tell ten of your friends to get one! I read it and I can say I'm impressed. I laughed- I cried- (That's why I have to be anonymous--don't want that getting back to anyone.) wink
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From Pierce
Website: http://www.AskewedViews.net
At first I was a bit worried, It seems that I hit the send button on accident with just one single word in the autograph instructions area. But then I realized the truth. What actually happened was that my subconscious made a decision to see just how creative you could be when faced with nothing but three little letters.
Game on!
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From Curt Sawyer
Website: http://ussexcalibur.blogspot.com
Looking forward to getting it! And to reading it! And to posting a review!
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From Stef
Just got the book!! We totally do know more about film than anyone.
I'm going to start reading now.
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From Q
Just received mine. I was certainly part of the interesting inscription crowd. Very cool. The very last bit, the haiku, made me laugh. Now for the rest!
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From EM
Here's to the mailman.
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From EdwoodCA
Just got mine, haven't even cracked it open, yet. Was just diggin' on the killer, actual, hard-covered-ness of it. [And wondering if how much it'd cost for me to do, myself. As if I'd actually type up some of my insanity.]

And I BUSTED up when I checked out the back cover of the book!!!

That's a GREAT way to utilize that space, Jessica.
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From Melissa
Looks like JSto has a winning review here:

I couldn't agree more with everything MM has written. So far I am loving Aidmheil.

And the hardcove and silver lettering are beautiful.
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From Katie
Well, that sent me out to the mailbox in the middle of the night in my bathrobe. And ("Eeeeeeee!!") it was there! But ("Dammit!") it was not signed. "Note: No autograph specified." Shoot. I ordered too hastily and didn't read the directions. Oh well, the book is pretty pretty pretty and I will read happily.
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From Kelli
Love it...
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From wanderTOS
Website: http://wandertos.blogspot.com
Hey I haven't been on here in a long while since you were taking a blogging break if I recall - but congratulations on the book! That's really phenomenal! I'm completely broke right now but come tax-time I will get a nice refund and designate funds to get your book!

Happy Holidays and congrats!

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From Kellie
Very nice! I started reading last night. I love the poetry throughout and the back cover is definitely genius. And you know, I would never have known you faked The Gunn's autograph if you hadn't said so! Dream destroyed! How can I love The Gunn from afar with a fake autograph??? smile
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From The Gunn
Website: http://www.jessicastover.com
HA! I had no idea my autograph had been forged either smile

Well, for The Gunn lovers out there, (especially you Andre,) we have an exclusive interview forthcoming. And i promise it's authentic wink


From Stef
The questions for the interview are fantastic I must say.

But they're not as good as Jess's book. LOVE it!
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From Jan
It's here! It's green! It's great! Well, actually it's quite small, but that's great, too. Because although this is a book you should read in front of a fire place with some Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish Single Malt Whiskey, I do not have a fire place and have cut back on the scotch, and therefore I am reading your masterpiece on public transport trying to escape the crazyness of people in wet coats with too many bags of christmas gifts cramped into... and now I have lost track...

Anyway. Thank you very much for the awesomeness!


PS: Do you maybe have a larger coloured version of the Badwater Basin picture anywhere on the web? That's just an exceptional beautiful piece!
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Official Comment From Jessica Mae
Yep, check the Scroll photo galleries: There's a whole gallery for Death Valley.

© 2003-2025 Jessica Mae Stover • All Rights Reserved