Scifi Novel Soft Launch -- I can't believe it's here! 
December 21, 2015


eBook Holiday Pre-order

Now Available!

Where: iTunes
(A sample chapter will be available exclusively on iBooks tomorrow)
See the first announcement.
Click here for the cover and title reveal!
eBook release date: Jan 25, 2016

Astral Fall FAQ

Aside from ordering, how can I help support the novel?

All the book pages are just now going up, and they're so lonely without you! You can add a placeholder review to the book page on iTunes talking about how you're anticipating the book (use the title in your review to help searchers find it) and have pre-ordered. You could even go on to say why you like and read new scifi. Just write whatever is true to your view and opinion.

(Your placeholder review can be updated after you read the book.) Lively pages are like lively parties: they attract attention! This helps the novel more than you might expect. Just a few lines ” it”s that simple, really!

I love that this has already been the most-frequent FAQ in the lead up to today. Thank you so much for that!

You can also select the book as “to-read” on Goodreads, and add your placeholder review there, too, if you”re into that sort of thing. Many readers use Goodreads reviews to determine which books to consider. I'm one of them.

Why is only the eBook available for pre-order?

There's now a burgeoning mode of publishing referred to as "hybrid authors." Essentially these authors retain control of their digital rights, and negotiate better print deals (hardcopy) after demonstrating success in eBook sales. This seemed ideal for me, and for this particular scifi series. By operating this way, I had to take on all of the risk, which was daunting. However, I also have editorial control. I was able to select my team. I hired the same top-tier editors that the publishers do, and was able to make the story the paramount concern.

Why is the eBook only on iBooks right now?

iBooks has the best author terms. Enabled authors are freed up to invest more in their work, so this is also great for readers. Apple is going to promote the sneak peek (the book sample) over the holidays as an exclusive. Launching a book without any partners would be impossible ” it”s too much of a gamble. Figuring out how to increase my chances for a successful launch has been somewhat stressful as the novel”s production is a huge investment on my part. I talked to the three major eBook retailers over the course and am relieved to have made a decision about where to first reveal the book. I”ll let you know how successful Apple's promotion is, and how that impacts the novel”s visibility and performance.

I don”t have iBooks. Will the eBook eventually be available on other retailers?

Yes. The actual release date is 1/25/16. iBooks has the pre-order and sneak peek. Generally, they aren”t demanding about exclusivity.

I don't read eBooks, but I want to read this book! What do I do?

I”m not an eBook reader myself for the most part: I prefer print. I completely expect for readers to wait until the book is in a format they prefer, as that”s what I would do. Additionally, I want to prepare your expectations by conveying that this is a series that is somewhat episodic. If you open up one of the Lord of the Rings books, you can see that the series is actually six books instead of three: each is divided into two. Astral Fall is divided in a similar way. Some readers love this, some may want to wait until more of the books are released to begin reading.

Please wait patiently as I steadily grow the book across platform and formats, and into the library system. I need time to grow, and I'll need your patience, grace and help. In the meantime, if you're looking for something to read, here”s a list of my favorite books. You can also @ me on Twitter if you're looking for reading recommendations. You know how much I enjoy talking about books and movies.

What about the next installment of this series?

It's in production and has been for some time! We're at the beginning of a story that will arc over the next few years. I”ve gotten a jump on writing the next since figuring out distribution for the first took a while.

It goes without saying that writing and arranging this project has been a massive amount of hard work, and I have much more ahead of me. Additionally I have other projects in flux, such as ARTEMIS ETERNAL, which has required repositioning against always changing digital tides. We are about to enter a whole new world of places, characters and events. I can't wait to share this with you.

There will be more over this week and the next thirty days as we edge up to release in late January.

The cover art was, of course, another collaboration with Greg Martin. We finished it while I was still writing the book and I've had to hold on to it all this time without showing anyone. I'm so happy to finally show it to you, and to reveal the title! More soon.

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